

Fort Vancouver Mobile - A video overview

Courtesy of: Research Assistant Aaron May of Washington State University Vancouver's Creative Media and Digital Culture program. Produced in 2011.

Video highlights from the apps (36-minute version)

This montage provides a sampling of some of the video media in the Fort Vancouver Mobile apps. This app is much more than just a video distribution system, but these videos show the variety of content, from expositional segments to new journalism to those intended to prompt the development of interactive narratives.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Button candidate No. 2

The Fort Vancouver logo. ... Iconic local image.

1 comment:

  1. I like this candidate. Very iconic. It's also cleaner, more unique and more recognizable than the other candidates.

    The button with the village logo is nice, but I don't think people see that and immediately know what they're looking at. (Then again, if they're engaged enough to run this app, then they probably know about the village ...) And the general NPS logo doesn't scream "local" at all. But as soon as I see the stockade, I think "Fort Vancouver!"

